Saturday, January 15, 2022

Boston Shinkendo got so many bad reviews they yanked their Google page!


It was recently reported to us that the Google listing for Shinkendo Boston was yanked offline and it became apparent that this infamous dojo had so many terrible reviews that the proprietor aka shit for brains shaffteee probably took it down in an attempt to avoid the negative impression he created for his school.

What an embarrassment!

I bet prospective students are just lining up around the building to attend that shithole dojo!!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

How come the Boston Shinkendo Clown dojo doesn’t hold demonstrations. ?


 Recently, it was discussed as to why the infamous Boston Shinkendo Dojo which many seem to refer to as a clown Dojo…, Never holds any public demonstration,

So why is that?, I guessz if I would’ve speculate it would probably be due to the fact that who really wants to go see four or five fat old people,  or little shfteees  brat kids, doing pretend swordsmanship in the public square?

Even looking at videos or pictures of this horrendous group of clowns students is kind of distasteful imagine how many have to look at them in person, or imagine what they smell like ———Lord have mercy!
Doubtful you will see any post and Shinkendo saw demonstration‘s unless it’s in a very safe and controlled environment that little Shaffee thinks he can control all the variables, this way when something stupid happens he can cover it up or minimize the damage is already ridiculously lame reputation… This is just the opinion of the former students who all dumped that Dojo

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Is it only morons and slobs who train at Boston Shinkendo?


Would any martial artist with any semblance of self-respect actually, knowingly, and willingly trained under a worthless douche bag like a little Shaffee?

Boston Shinkendo

Apparently this useless turd has managed to find a couple of new students, we have seen pictures and heard reports and they are generally old fat slobs who wouldn’t last 30 seconds in a true sparring match, they have a boat as much muscle tone as a slug come and probably equal amount of brains to match!

No real warrior wants to be part of the shit school in the first sensei report it on social media ever!!!

Is little Shaffee that good of a con artist, or salesman? 

You decide!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Boston Shinkendo - Does Obata look like a fool?


Boston Shinkendo Obata

In a recent discussion with former Boston Shinkendo students, the topic of Kaiso Obatas legacy and how stupid behavior at the local Boston dojo may or may not have an impact on the ISF and what Obata built.

The view of the former students was this:

"The poor old guy (obata) worked his ass off to build an art, and bring it world wide, and his lazy son is letting it fall apart. 
He took no action on the what went down in Boston, and allowed that jerkoff sensei to embarrass the federation and each and every single Shinkendo sensei around the world."

"How do any of those other Senseis not feel embarrassed to be part of the ISF? That poor group in Budapest, or the UK, or Amsterdam, they have to be mortified that the organization looks so stupid.

Let alone that schmuck Lou"

So this is just a small sampling of the view points from these former members that appear to feel that the actions of Boston Shinkendo have only hurt the ISF,

As we all know they are entitled to their opinions, but from what we have seen, it appears to make a lot of sense.

You decide.

#obata #yukishiro obata #boston shinkend #modern samurai #shinkendo hungary #honbu dojo #kendo #martial arst #mcdojo

Friday, February 5, 2021

Is Boston Shinkendo the worlds worst Dojo?

Shinkendo Boston

 Would you consider a dojo to be good if the feed back you received about it as that the Sensei was a worthless turd and his two kids absolutely suck?

If he was referred to as a wimp?

A mealy mouthed windbag?

Total pussy?

Well here are some of those reports on social media !

I mean this dojo is so lame they even have YouTube channels posting about how much it sucks!

These are only a few links...

Is everyone wrong?

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Boston Shinkendo Controversies - WhatsApp with the dead chat group?


According to former students, one of the key ways  Little Shaffee would attempt to manipulate them was with his use of a WhatsApp chat group.

This is where he would try to control student lives and stick his nose into activities outside the dojo.

Well we heard from a very senior student (one of the few left) that this group is dead, no chat messages are being posted in about a month.

Basically what was once a lively forum with students who were friends  and would exchange info and stories turned into a rat hole of desperate slobs who did nothing but obey kiss their masters butt, finally descended into nothing but silence.

Fact is you cannot sustain a fake world and false view of unity.

Little Shaffee is getting older and more run down every day, slowly losing control of the deranged fantasy he created in his own deluded mind.

You were never Kaiso, and you never had the adoration of the students, They simply tolerated you until they couldn’t do so any more. It’s doubtful even that fruity kid of yours holds any affection.


Friday, January 8, 2021

Boston Shinkendo lol- Fruity Leoni weighs in on Little Shaftee


Boston Shinkendo

A current Boston Shinkendo student, who chooses to go by the pseudo name of fruity Leone, gave us his viewpoint of the current state of affairs at the Boston Shinkendo dojo:

“This school sucks, little Shaffee sucks, bring it dude sucks, Shaffee’s student instructors suck, all the fat old students there suck, Yukishiro  Obata  sucks, the ISF sucks!

This is a goofball school, designed for a fat old slobs and morons who think they’re learning a samurai art when they really learning some two-bit shit bag version of make believe!